Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Day Dancing

Below is a short video I forgot to post of the kids dancing with the Wii.  The 3 girls dancing from left to right is Andraya, Kasey, and Sienna.  Behind them is Shaine(1yr), and Brayden(2) dancing along, and behind those two is Johnny(1yr), and Camryn(3) playing with cars.

Dancing on Christmas

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day at Grandma's & Grandpa's House

  Thank you to all of our family for giving us such a wonderful Christmas.  We celebrated Christmas with Grandpa Dick and Grandma Lynda on Wednesday, and what beautiful gifts we received...we love you so much!!  The kids play with their Lego's everyday, and what beautiful, warm hats and blankets grandma Lynda made for the kids.  On Christmas day we arrived at Grandma Mary & Grandpa Mike's house at around noon, and all the kids were anxious to open gifts.  We cannot stress how much we enjoyed ourselves and spending time with everyone.  Snacks and dinner were fabulous, and the gifts were more than we can ask for.  Thank you everyone for sharing in such a beautiful holiday, and most importantly...
                              Grandmas Lynda's beautiful Blankets

Cousin Sienna

Cousin Andraya

Cousin's Camryn & Brayden

Auntie Kristie & Cousin Kasey

Waking up Christmas Morning 2011

Christmas Morning at our House

We had such a wonderful time watching the kids open their presents, but it was difficult trying to get both of them to move on to the next gift.  Everytime they opened a gift they just wanted to play with it...especially their new 4-wheelers.  Both of the kiddos loved their umbrellas, and all the silly .99 cent stocking stuffers.  Shaine insisted on wearing her Hello Kitty Band Aids, and Johnny just wanted to drive his quad.  It was so much fun!!

Driving the Quads

Magazines and the Pot

All this food and candy makes for a busy day in the bathroom...

Dancing Lights

Every year we visit a neighborhood a couple blocks away from our house that gives a spectacular Christmas light show.  We drive by this house at least 3 times a week,  and Johnny & Shaine just love it.  Christmas Eve we decided to park the car enjoy the fresh air by letting the kids get up close and personal with the dancing lights.  Every year the homeowner and his family collect food donations for the needy, and hand out candy canes to the kids.

Dancing Lights in Marysville

Downtown Seattle

We're so happy Mike took the whole week off of work for the Christmas Holiday.  We did allot of shopping and site seeing.  Downtown Seattle was allot of fun for the family.  We first had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and then took a ride on the carousel.  Boy did Shaine have a meltdown when it was time to leave.  She kept crying "pony, pony!"  It didn't take much to get her to calm down when we visited the Fairmont Olympic Hotel.  Beautiful Christmas trees everywhere, and the awesome Teddy Bear Suite.