Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

The other day I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready when I turn around to see Johnny and Shaine with Santa hats on their heads.  I had to pull out the video camera and I'm very happy with what I caught...a very good Santa!!!  Enjoy the video...hope it makes you smile!


Friday, November 25, 2011

Johnny & Shaine with Santa-2011

We like to go see Santa early in the season because there is no wait, and it gives the kids time to warm up to him.  Once again we were the only folks visiting Santa so the kiddos were able to spend about 10 minutes geting to know him.  Johnny wouldn't sit on his lap, but after the photos were taken he kept waving at Santa saying Ho Ho Ho. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Johnny and Shaine's cousins Adara and Sarah

Don't Leave Home Without Ktty Kitty


     Our visit to California was wonderful, but all too short.  I am so grateful that Johnny and Shaine were able to spend everyday with my parents.  We also spent time with great grandma who is 91, and still rockin'!!  My sister Sherry just loved spending time with the kids, and both kiddos just loved her.  She was always making the kids laugh...thanks Bob.  I wish I would have taken more photos, but it's hard when you're constantly doing things.  We loved seeing our niece's Adara and Sarah.  Boy do kids grow fast.
     Unfortunately after we left my dad had an injury on his camping trip.  He is currently in the hospital with 4 broken ribs with multiple fractures to each one.  He's seems to be doing O.K., but in allot of pain.  You're in my prayers dad and we hope you get to go home soon.  I love you!! 
     ----Oh yeah...while we were out at the park there was about 5 different Quincenera's.  If you don't know what a Quincenera is, it's a Mexican tradition to have a huge celebration for a young girls 15th birthday.  Kind of like sweet 16, but much more extravagant.  Everyone looks like they're in a wedding party.  The dresses we saw were absolutely gorgeous.  The last photo I took looks like it's from a Bridal catalog, but it was only a Quincenera. 

Downtown Disney


Adara & Shaine

All Tuckered Out

Here are some cute shots of the kiddos all tuckered out.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This Halloween mommy stayed home with Johnny & Shaine and handed out candy.  We had tons of trick-or-treaters.  I'm sure our fog machine and strobe lights attracted some extra candy goers.