Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our 2nd Round of Shots

Well, the twins had another visit with their pediatrician on Wednesday and everything looks great!! Johnny weighs 12lbs. 12oz., and Shaine weighed in at 11lbs. 13oz. Johnny is only 1 pound heavier, but his head did measure a bit larger than hers. On this visit and the last Dr.'s visit both Shaine and Johnny have measured same in length. It's seem so strange because of her long legs, but both kiddos are 23 inches in length...almost 2 feet long. Mike and I are so proud of are babies. Neither of them fussed or made sounds during the visit, and both gave a small cry that lasted 2 seconds after their shots were given. The only bad thing about the visit was the stuffy and hot room we were in. I'm just so glad Mike was with us for the Dr.'s visit. It's almost impossible to handle 2 babies alone during exams and shots. We love you daddy!!!!

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