Monday, November 22, 2010

Our First Santa Pictures

We decided to go shopping at the Everett Mall in search for some new shoes.  We noticed that the Santa Photo station was open so we wondered over to look at the hours of operation.  Low-and-Behold...Santa was there all by himself, and he walked straight over to the babies and started playing with them.  He was the cutest most jolly Santa I have ever met!!  On a whim we decided to take pictures with him.  Shaine cried a bit because she's starting to recognize people who are not mommy and daddy, but the elves were able to snap a pretty good picture.  Santa did not want to give up Johnny.  Little Johnny just smiled and Santa let him play with his whiskers.  It was awesome that we were able to take our time and enjoy the moment without all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas shoppers.

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