The twins are 10 months now and boy does time fly. As of now Johnny weighs 19 lbs., and Shaine weighs 17 lbs. with Johnny getting 2 more teeth (8 teeth), and Shaine with just 2.
Shaine is now attempting to walk. She walks along furniture and sometimes will let go and try to walk on her own. She is also using her scooter to stand up and push while walking. It's so amazing to watch how fast she's learning things. She will copy mom and dad allot like waving, pointing, clapping, and throwing her hands in the air. She is also saying "hi". --And of course she likes to give a bunch of different yells experimenting with her voice and noises.
Johnny is now pulling himself up on his knees. He's trying real hard to get up on his feet and it seems his sister is inspiring him. He can also walk with his scooter, but once he stands up he won't sit down unless he falls down by accident. You will also notice that he smiles for every picture that we snap...such a funny little fellow.
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