Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sick & Tired

These last few weeks have been very busy with play-dates and going to the gym, but in doing so the kiddos got sick including mommy.  I knew immedietly after seeing the twins socializing with babies who had runny noses that we we're gonna get it.  AAAAHHHH!!!  It drives me crazy to see moms just drop off their little ones at the gym knowing that their baby is sick as heck... just so they can get their Zumba in for the day.  Poor babies.  Well, Johnny had a fever for one night, and the following night Shaine and mommy both have the stomach flu.  Unfortunately mine lasted a couple days and I had to go the hospital.  It's been a tough week, but we were able to get through it with the help of daddy.  Thanks Mike for taking a couple days off of work to take care of us.  We love you!!!! You're an amazing father and husband and words  can never say enough.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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