Saturday, June 18, 2011

Johnny's 1st Haircut

Today we decided to give Johnny his first haircut.  His baby hair was looking pretty messy with long and short hair everywhere so we felt it was time to clean it up.  Daddy pulled out the clippers and gave our little guy a pretty nice buzz cut.  Johnny did so well during the cut, and boy does he look different.  He reminds me of my brother Shane when he use to shave his head.  Miss you bro...I see allot of you in Johnny especially today.

Johnny's 1st Haircut


Krazy Kids

Monday, June 13, 2011

Catching the bug

The twins had their 15 month check-up last week and Johnny came down with the stomach flu.  At first we thought it was a reaction to his shots, but come to find out he caught a bug.  Unfortunately one of the kiddos always seem to get sick after mommy starts going back to the gym.  Now that Johnny is all better, it's poor little Shaine's turn to have the stomach virus.  It's really tough trying to nurture one child who is sick while the other child still needs your full attention.  I spent a few moments crying today because it's so difficult to give both children 100% of your time, especially when you're trying to clean up vomit.  I snapped a couple shots of Johnny when he was under the weather.

Sick little Johnny

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Beautiful Weekend

The weather is finally AWESOME this weekend.  Saturday we visited grandma & grandpa in Bellingham and spent our day out on the deck.  Johnny and Shaine had so much fun climbing on everything and playing in the flower pots.  They also played with the all the dogs...Blue, Lacey, Abby, and Uncle Bear.  Bear was especially nice to the kiddos and shared his toy with them.  I took a wonderful picture of Bear-Bear.  We also did some yard work in the front yard while the twins played.

---Smarty-Pants, Smarty Pants.  We took out the Barbie Jeep for the kiddos to play on and it was the first time they have seen it.  I turn around and Shaine picked up the play phone and starting talking in it.  How did she know it was a phone???  She's never seen it before and we don't have any play phones in the house.  This little girl is such a smarty pants.

Playing in the Front Yard

Picking Flowers

Grandma & Grandpa's House

Friday, June 3, 2011

15 Months Old Today

Johnny and Shaine are 15 months old today!!  WOW!!  They've grown in so many ways. So much happens everyday with these 2 little kiddos I'm not sure where to begin.  Well, both do allot of baby-talk.  Especially Shaine.  Books...books, books, books.  All they ever want to do is read books.  It's so great and we hope it doesn't end.  They can pick out almost any book that you ask them to get.  It's amazing  how quickly they learn. It's really cute to watch them read to themselves while pointing at pictures and chatting away. They understand sooo much.  " Grab your shoes, get your jacket, let's go eat, go outside, give hugs and kisses"...they do it all, and understand almost everything.  Mike and I have been very fortunate to have such wonderful babies.  They eat at the same time together, sleep at the same time, play at the same time...super buddies.  Speaking of sleep both babes sleep 11/12 hours through the night, and give us a 2-3 hour nap in the day.  Johnny has been waking up occasionally in the middle of the night because of teething, but we've learned a bottle and a little orajel  works great.  Much better than feeding him Tylenol.  We have always covered the twins with blankets and by 5 months old we started keeping toys in their crib.  This made mornings much easier and happier for all of us.  Both Johnny and Shaine wake up and play with their toys and talk to one another across the room.  Mike and I just lay in bed and listen to them chat and's so adorable.  Oh yeah...they love their blankeys and stuffed animals.  Can't go to bed without them.  As far as bottles go they could care less whether they drink out of them or not.  We're still giving them a bottle before bed, but that's because mommy screwed up by making the holes in the nipples too big.  The flow is fast, and we have yet to find the right sippy cup with a heavy flow.  If they have to suck to hard they just get frustrated and stop drinking.  Food, well...favorites food for both of them is Mexican food, mac & cheese, grilled cheese sandwich, PB & J, and bananas.  We eat bananas almost everyday.---Oh oh oh...before I forget...we've been working on going pee in the potty.  They understand what it means to go pee pee so we bought a potty seat.  We sit and play on it, and they know how to flush the toilet, but no pee in the potty yet.  I can go on about so much, but it's more fun to share the pictures and videos.

Picking out a book

Reading Time all the time

Speedy Gonzales

Slow-poke Rodriguez

Lovin' our Music

Johnny and Shaine just LOVE music.  We could be at home, in the car, or even shopping and when they hear music they start rocking their heads back and forth.  As of now their favorite song is Rolling in the Deep by Adele.  They immediately stop what they're doing and start dancing.  They'll even swing their head back and forth while getting a diaper's pretty awesome and funny all in one.

Dancing Machines...Rolling in the Deep

We love our popscicles and we always share.

Going Batty!!

This use to be cute, but now it's driving me a little batty.  It seems impossible to get chores done around the house with these 2, but I know I'm going to miss it some day.