Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Beautiful Weekend

The weather is finally AWESOME this weekend.  Saturday we visited grandma & grandpa in Bellingham and spent our day out on the deck.  Johnny and Shaine had so much fun climbing on everything and playing in the flower pots.  They also played with the all the dogs...Blue, Lacey, Abby, and Uncle Bear.  Bear was especially nice to the kiddos and shared his toy with them.  I took a wonderful picture of Bear-Bear.  We also did some yard work in the front yard while the twins played.

---Smarty-Pants, Smarty Pants.  We took out the Barbie Jeep for the kiddos to play on and it was the first time they have seen it.  I turn around and Shaine picked up the play phone and starting talking in it.  How did she know it was a phone???  She's never seen it before and we don't have any play phones in the house.  This little girl is such a smarty pants.

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