Friday, August 12, 2011


Today's posting is about Noelle Joiner. Noelle is the 6yr. old daughter of a friend of mine and is currently fighting for her life.  My friend Jennifer along with her husband and 2 other children have traveled across the country seeking medical help. Right now the family is at an emotional and financial struggle to save their little girl.  Noelle needs Stem Cell Therapy and this will costs thousand's and thousand's of dollars.  If you live in the Washington area near Marysville my husband and I are having a yard sale this weekend to raise money for the family.  Please stop by and visit.  If you would like to donate to the garage sale or in any other fashion please contact me by phone or  I ask you to please pray for the Joiner family.
     I also want to wish my wonderful and beautiful husband a Happy Birthday!!!!  We love you so much!!! 
 The Joiner Family & Noelle

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