Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our First Dental Visit

Johnny and Shaine went in for their first dental appointment yesterday.  The waiting room was wonderful for the kids because they had two different play areas which allowed the little one's to run around and be active.  All the rooms have t.v's with headphones which hung above the dental chair.   Everything was going great until the dental assistant put on her medical gloves.  Johnny immediately started crying  "door, door."  He wanted to leave.  We believe he associated the dental office for the doctor's office.  Our poor little guy must of thought he was getting shots.  As for Shaine she did just fine until it was time to have her teeth checked.  She cried for a short bit, then it was over.  Overall the kids did great!!  We're very happy with their doctor, and he's very happy with the kids teeth.  He said Johnny has picture perfect teeth for his age and Shaine has a very small overbite, but nothing of a concern.  We can now use a very small amount of fluoride toothpaste once a day, but brush our teeth twice a day.  I wasn't able to get photos of our first visit because Mike and I had to hold each child while they had their dental exam.  I'm so thankful Mike was able to leave work a little early to help out and be part of the twins first dental visit.  I wouldn't of been able to do it by myself.  I love you babe...thank you for being the most wonderful husband, and dad. 

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