Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WHAT?...When did you start counting to 10??

     On Friday Feb. 24th the kids and I were talking on our web-cam to grandma and grandpa in California.  We were wishing grandpa a Happy Birthday!!  Johnny and Shaine love getting up on a chair and looking into the computer screen making faces, sounds, chatting and laughing with our family.  The twins will be turning 2 in March so grandma started to ask them, "how old are you going to be?"  The kids were trying to hold up two fingers, and then all of a sudden Shaine starts counting to 10!  I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  I didn't even know she could count to 3, let alone 10!!  I asked her to do it again, and off she counted...1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!!!  For some reason she skips number 2, but I don't care because I didn't even know she could count.  My grandma and grandpa couldn't believe it either!!  What a wonderful surprise for all of us.  I couldn't wait for daddy to get home so we could share it with him. 

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