Monday, April 23, 2012

April 2012 Beautiful Weather and Busy Weekend

It was a beautiful weekend and we spent all weekend in the sun.  Saturday we went to the dog park, and worked on the yard.  Sunday we worked on the yard, garage, and I played on my co-ed  softball team!!  It was a great weekend.  Enjoy the pics and videos.  The first video is for my dad Bronco Bill!!!

"Breaker Breaker"

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

The Dog Park

Once again we spent another beautiful day at doggy Disneyland.

Throwing the ball for Blue

Johnny Mowing the Backyard with Dad

"Kitty Kitty...where are you?"

One thing that I have neglected to do is include some pictures of our kitty cats.  Lil "G" our black and gray kitty, and his little brother "Fuzzy".  The cats usually hide out and sleep during the day, and hang out on top of the refrigerator in order to avoid our dog Blue. "Fuzzy was kind of enough to let Johnny hug and kiss him the other day.  I shot some cute pictures of them together.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Some New Stories to Share about Johnny & Shaine

It's been a few weeks since I posted anything new because I just started online classes, and allot of my computer time is homework.  Here's a couple stories I would like to share.  First, I think we might be getting closer to potty training.  A week ago I was hollering at the kids to come upstairs so I can change  diapers.  Johnny yells,"No! Shaine poopie, dirty, don't touch it!"  I look down the stairs and low and behold...Shaine had taken the changing pad out of the diaper bag.  On top of the pad was a poopie diaper that she had taken off herself.  I told her she did a good job getting the changing pad, but next time ask mommy for help.  ha ha ha...oh I've heard some poopie horror stories, but I'm so glad she did it on the pad.  Secondly, Johnny has been climbing out of his crib.  His been doing it for a while, but only when Mike and I are in the room with the kids.  He did it last Saturday while we were getting out of bed, and he did it again about 10 minutes ago when waking up from nap.  Oh boy.  Daddy and I are not ready to give them toddler beds, but it's probably gonna happen sooner than later. Boy these 2 are talking so much it's incredible, but now we're already dealing with allot of "No's!"from these little stinkers.  It's so much fun I wouldn't change it for the world!

New Haircuts and the Playground

Well...I did what I said I was NEVER going to do.  Cut Shaine's hair.  I knew eventually we would have to trim it up, but not so soon.  Her hair was just a HOT MESS!  I'm adjusting to the bangs, but it looks much better.  This was her first haircut and she did so good.  She  never moved and never made a sound until it was Johnny's turn and that's exactly what she said..."Johnny your turn, haircut." 


Easter Sunday Grilling in the Backyard

We didn't do much on Easter Sunday except enjoy the weather.  Mike and Johnny had some fun playing catch and hitting off the Tee.  Mike took these cute pictures of Johnny sitting in the backyard by himself playing with the baseball.

Johnny Playing Catch with Dad

Kids Playing with Blue March 2012