Friday, May 18, 2012

Sun Time Fun Time

The weather has been wonderful so we've been spending most of our time outdoors.  It's been so much fun for the kids.  It's been wonderful to watch them enjoy the sun and explore the outdoors.  Well, with all the fun we've been having I've spent allot of my spare time doing school work, cleaning, and taking allot more naps.  Finding time to update the blog has been a bit difficult.  The camera is on the fritz so I won't be able to post photos for a while, but I can still put up some videos.  Little Johnny just talks up a storm and knows everyone's name in the neighborhood.  Shaine talks allot, but not as loud or clear as Johnny.  Do they talk in full sentences?...yes...they have been for a while, but now they don't stop talking.  We love them soooo much!!!  Everyday they crack us up, and to give you an example Johnny said, "that's ridiculous" the other day.  Really?  Ridiculous?  He's so silly!!

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