Wednesday, November 6, 2013


We didn't get too many pictures for Halloween, but the kids had a great time!  Shaine was Cinderella and Johnny a skeleton.  Thank you so much grandma Mary and Grandpa Mike who came over to hand out candy too all the kids who came to our door. Mike and I were out with Johnny and Shaine for about an hour, and then we came home and Johnny & Shaine took over candy duty.  I think they enjoyed handing out candy more than trick-or-treating.  Thanks again grandma and grandpa for bringing us pizza and helping us out again on Halloween

Here is 2 of our 7 pumpkins we carved for the evening

We decorated the front room of our home so it looked spooky 

Grandpa said he was dressed like a pumpkin.  He's silly.  There's little Boomer in his lap.

Grandma with Johnny and Shaine.  I love this picture!

OOhhhh...check out the ghost orb around Shaine's pumpkin...ha ha ha

Johnny and Shaine waiting for trick-or-treaters  to come to the door.

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