Monday, January 13, 2014

Pictures from My Phone

Well, I had some cute videos on my phone that I wanted to share on the blog, but that is not going to happen.  For some reason when I downloaded the videos they all showed up sideways.  Hhhmmm?  Maybe I need to hold my iPhone sideways when taking videos.  Anyhow, I found some cute pictures that I wanted to share.  Some of these pics were taken last year and even before that.

 For those who don't know we adopted Cooper in May of 2013 from a family who mistreated him.  He was beaten, probably never bathed, and had most of his fur cut off because they didn't want to groom him.  He had infected skin on his back, and he was scared and timid.  He looks and acts like a totally different dog then the day we got him.  It's amazing what love can do for such an amazing animal.  He is such a sweetheart and I can't imagine why anyone would want to mistreat him or even give him up!   It's a blessing that we were brought together.  He loves the kids and sleeps in front of their bedroom door until Mike and I go to bed.  I really wish I had before and after pictures of Cooper so you can see the wonderful progress he has made.  I truly hope that the family who previously owned Cooper does not own another animal again.  From Left to Right...Cooper and Blue

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