Wednesday, June 30, 2010

All We Need is Love

We don't need material things like toys or clothes, all we need is some Auntie Jess, and cousins Sage and Cole. It's so tough being alone all the time with the twins and trying to give each of them affection and individual time. Everyday there are some tears shed from both mommy and the babes for the need to give and receive attention. Although your visit was short, it was so needed and greatly appreciated. Neither baby cried and had all the love they needed from Sage and Cole. It was so sweet to see Johnny fall asleep in Jessie's arms, and I was able to hold my little girl Shaine while she fell asleep in my arms. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to come visit. Your company made a world of difference for mommy and the twins. You lifted my spirits!!!!!

Jess, Sage and Cole

pics from the week

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another short story from the Book of Blue

For the most part we have a pretty regular schedule going with the twins. When the babies nap during the day they're either on the floor or in their nursery, but today I placed them in the crib that's in mommy & daddy's room. When I got out of the shower low-&-behold...Blue was sleeping on our bed. He NEVER gets on the bed, but I believe he did it because the twins were in the room while I was in the shower. Thanks for looking out Blue Blue!!!!!---We also dressed the kiddos in Cubs onesies that they got from cousin Margaret in Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much....the twins look adorable.

The Cubbies

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Enjoying the Weather

Today was turn-around-Tuesday. The twins spent some of their time laying around naked without diapers and they loved every minute of it!! We also took afternoon baths and hung out on the front porch enjoying the beautiful weather!! Dad is coaching a baseball game and hopefully tomorrow we'll get to see his next game!!!!

The Dude & The Chick!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow...these kiddos are going through some big growth spurts!!! Today Johnny ate 10 oz. and Shaine ate 90z. Looks like we need a whole cow here to supply for the family!! Funny thing is they both are still pretty small babies, but they sure are growing in many ways. Johnny has discovered his ears and Shaine officially knows how to roll over. At first I thought it was just a one time thing, but she does it almost everytime I place her on her belly. Poor little Johnny still needs to learn how to lift up off the ground. There are 2 short videos of Shaine rolling over...enjoy!!!!!!

6-2010 006.avi

6-2010 005.avi

Friday, June 18, 2010

Some Personality Traits just get Passed On

baby Shelly & Shaine

Can it Be??

We're so happy daddy took Thursday off of work to spend time with the family. We took a stroll around the mall and spent the evening with grandma Mary, auntie Jenn, and cousin Sienna. We had a great time watching the twins sitting in the baby recliner with their new hats. It's been little bit easier getting out since the twins are up to 6oz. in formula and eating every 4 hours, but an uexpected event took place last night. We fed the babes and put them down for the evening at 9pm. Shaine woke at 1am for her feeding, but Johnny didn't wake until 5am.--8 hrs. of sleep!!! Can it be????? Are the babies getting ready to sleep through the evening?? Well, we're just very happy that they're eating well and growing. We miss you already daddy and good luck at your baseball tournament!!!

Wearing our new Hats

Sitting in the Recliner

Cousin Sienna w/Johnny & Auntie Jenn w/ Shaine

Friday, June 11, 2010

We Just Keep Growing

As the days go by the twins seem to grow and change more & more. With our most recent weigh in Johnny is 11lbs. 4oz., and Shaine is 10lbs. 11oz. They are also showing off their own way of developing. Shiane is getting really good at lifting her upper body up, where Johnny just moves his head back and forth. Johnny is recognizing touch and movement. In our previous video with the balloons he knows to move his legs, but in this latest video he uses his hands to moves the little lion. Something so simple makes daddy and I so excited and proud!!! Way to go kiddos.

jssss 022.avi

Strong Girl

Johnny & Dad

The Latest Weigh In


Saturday, June 5, 2010


The past few days we've been spending allot of time watching Mariner baseball, and allot of the NCAA softball tournament. We decided to surprise daddy and dress the twins in baseball clothes. Shaine said it was O.K. since we were watching girls softball. Shaine is wearing the red outfit for those of you who can't tell which baby is the girl. Daddy thought she looked absolutely adorable!!!! We also took a short video of the babies enjoying mommy's birthday balloons!! Johnny kept the balloons hooked to his leg and kicked for an hour until I took them away. Silly babies!!!

baseball 014.avi

Thursday, June 3, 2010


A picture of our first baby book.

Hello TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello to grandma & grandpa Dragland, and to the Webb family. David & Lynnea sorry we never had to chance to meet, but someday soon!! Boy do I miss that hot Texas sun!! Another special hello to Jordan and Nathan...have a wonderful summer, and to Tyler...congrats on graduating. This is when everything starts to change in your life. I pray and hope that our twins will excell at the same pace and share their graduation together. Mike and I will definitely bring the twins to Texas sometime in the future. We need to turn them into RANGER fans!!!!!! YYYEEEEEEEEHHHHAAAWWWW!!!!! The pictures below are just a few shots I took over the past week...enjoy everyone!!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Just Because

Not much going on at the homestead, but the kiddos sure do seem to change everyday. I really enjoy just taking random pictures of them never knowing what I'm going to get. I want to thank Auntie Patty for the adorable Duckie outfits. I love them so much the last time I dressed the twins in them I didn't want to take them off.