Friday, June 18, 2010

Can it Be??

We're so happy daddy took Thursday off of work to spend time with the family. We took a stroll around the mall and spent the evening with grandma Mary, auntie Jenn, and cousin Sienna. We had a great time watching the twins sitting in the baby recliner with their new hats. It's been little bit easier getting out since the twins are up to 6oz. in formula and eating every 4 hours, but an uexpected event took place last night. We fed the babes and put them down for the evening at 9pm. Shaine woke at 1am for her feeding, but Johnny didn't wake until 5am.--8 hrs. of sleep!!! Can it be????? Are the babies getting ready to sleep through the evening?? Well, we're just very happy that they're eating well and growing. We miss you already daddy and good luck at your baseball tournament!!!

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