Wednesday, June 30, 2010

All We Need is Love

We don't need material things like toys or clothes, all we need is some Auntie Jess, and cousins Sage and Cole. It's so tough being alone all the time with the twins and trying to give each of them affection and individual time. Everyday there are some tears shed from both mommy and the babes for the need to give and receive attention. Although your visit was short, it was so needed and greatly appreciated. Neither baby cried and had all the love they needed from Sage and Cole. It was so sweet to see Johnny fall asleep in Jessie's arms, and I was able to hold my little girl Shaine while she fell asleep in my arms. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to come visit. Your company made a world of difference for mommy and the twins. You lifted my spirits!!!!!

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