Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Busy Weekend

This past weekend we stayed pretty busy. It was Brayden's 1st birthday party and the twins spent a little time with their cousins. I posted some random pictures and video's of the twins from the past few days. We do allot of activities during the day. Working out on the floor, swings, bumbo chairs, walker's, and some reading time. By the end of the day the kiddos are pretty tired. We can't forget the family pets. I was able to get a good picture of Lil "G", our gray kitty, but Fuzzy was nowhere to be found. --And of course Blue is always hanging around. The babies just love him!!! I've been trying to get a video of them following Blue around the room smiling and reaching out to him. Mike and I also weighed the twins yesterday and Johnny weighs 14lbs., and Shaine 13lbs. By the way daddy...we're so glad to have you home and it was so nice to spend an entire weekend with you. Mike and I were finally able to go out for a nice dinner--no babies. It was the first time in 7 months. We love you Daddy!!!!

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