Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Moving & Grooving

The twins have been keeping us pretty busy lately. Both babies roll so much we have to stay with them at all times otherwise they end up under a bed, couch, or roll into something. It will be no time before they start crawling. Shaine is also a mover and groover in her walker. Not only does she roll all over the hardwood floors, but she'll walk her way onto the carpet as well. Little Johnny just rolls backwards, but he'll get it soon enough. The twins stay together all the time, and we're starting to experience our first taste of sibling rivalry. They take each other's toy's and fuss over them. It's pretty funny right now, but not looking forward to it when they get older. Shaine even tries to walk over to Johnny and take his toys off his walker, but she can't reach...TOY HOG!!! We also went to Grandpa Dick's surprise birthday party where Ross and daddy pretended to give the kiddos some alcohol...silly, silly. Wish we had more pictures, but were too busy mingling. So I posted some random pics and videos from the past week, and also snapped a picture of our other kitty Fuzzy.

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