Friday, September 17, 2010

Attempting to Crawl?????....

Time for a baby update!! Johnny and Shaine are doing great and growing so much. Johnny weighs 16lbs., and Shaine weighs 14lbs. with both of them the same in length...25"...approximately 2 ft. They're both sitting up, but still a bit wobbly. Daddy and I either sit with them or surround them with pillows in case one of them crashes and burns. Both kiddos are cruising all over the house in their walkers and becoming so curious of everything. Mommy has already started to baby-proof the house. Shaine reaches for everything & anything she can get her little hands on. Both of them are starting to respond to their names, and I think Shaine is starting to understand "no". I don't like using that word right now, but she grabs for the trash can, DVD player, etc. As for Johnny, he's our little scientist. He's a bit more laid back, but examines everything so closely. Whatever object is put in front of him he touches very gently and analyzes. Shaine is also attempting to crawl. She gets up on her hands and knees, but doesn't quite have enough strength to do much more. 95% of the time the kiddos are on the same schedule. They both go to bed at 7:30p, and wake up between 6:30 & 7am. Eating fruit and veggies along with their formula and so far they seem to like everything!! I'm so happy and blessed that I get to stay home with my babies. ---For those of you who have e-mailed and asked why I haven't been in any of the photos???...well, everyday I'm home alone with the babes and the only one around to take pictures. When Mike gets home from work it's usually family time and the camera is put away.

1 comment:

  1. I'm never in any pictures either...i kinda like it that way...someone's gonna take the pics right? :-)

    Do they have any teeth coming thru yet?
