Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 12, 2010

As of last week Shaine is starting to get her first 2 bottom teeth where Johnny has six.  The babies are also starting to explore the house allot more with Shaine crawling around everywhere, and Johnny starting to move forward using one leg in an attempt to crawl.  Dad has already put up a baby-gate on the top of the staircase, but it looks like we might have to put one on the lower level as well.  Shaine is getting up on her knees all the time trying to get higher and higher.  We've also removed the crib bumpers and we just might have to lower the beds because Shaine is pulling herself up, and soon enough she'll be on her feet.  There's a few pictures and videos we want to share, but our X-Mas tree is so high it was really tough to fit it into the photos.

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