Monday, December 27, 2010

Our first Christmas with the Twins

It's been a wonderful Christmas for the Dragland family!  Daddy had taken a whole week off of work and boy did we stay busy.  We did everything from going to Warm Beach to look at x-mas lights, shopping, and spending time with family and friends.  On Dec. 23rd Mike and I went to the 5th Ave. theater to see A Christmas Story musical which was outstanding!!!  Thank you grandma Mary for babysitting.  A HUGE THANK YOU to all of our family for being so loving and generous.  The twins love all of their toys, and we love all of you!!

There has also been a few developments with the babies.  Daddy has taught Shaine how to wave hello, and grandma Mary has taught Shaine how to hold up one finger when saying "number one".  Shaine has also pulled herself up onto her feet, but unfortunately daddy and I missed it.  She was sitting in her crib and next thing we know she's standing.  Johnny is now crawling all over the place along with Shaine.  These two kiddos don't leave each other's side.  Where one goes the other follows.  Johnny will wave his hand occasionally when saying hello, but boy is he a little ham.   When we take pictures of him he'll make a funny face and show his teeth.  It's almost like he knows what we're doing.  You'll notice his funny smile in some of the photos.  Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

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