Friday, March 4, 2011

The Twins 1 year Check-Up & Shots

Yesterday was Johnny & Shaine's first birthday, but we didn't do much to celebrate because they had their one year check up which included 3 shots each, and a finger prick.  The visit went great with both babies being in great health and developing at a good rate.  Their pediatrician couldn't be more happy, and  the kiddos were in good spirits therefore gave  the doctor quite a few laughs.--That was until the nurse came in for shots...poor babies cried, but got over it quickly.  As of yesterday Johnny weighs 21lbs. 10oz., and is 28" long(2ft.4").  Shaine weighs 20lbs. 4oz., and is also 28" long.  Looks like Johnny gained some height, and Shaine gained some weight.  After the visit we grabbed a bite to eat with my parents at Red Robin, then headed home to put the babies to bed.

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