Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Johnny is officially walking!!!!!!  Yesterday while I was talking to Mike on the Phone I saw Johnny take a couple steps, but he decided to wait until my parents showed up from California to take more steps on his own and show off!!!  I have a couple videos that I will post later.   Sorry Shaine, but Johnny is ahead of you on this one.  Up until yesterday Shaine has done everything first from lifting her head, rolling over, and crawling, but now it's Johnny's turn to shine.  We know she'll be right behind him as soon she realizes he's moving faster than her.  Way to go son!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Your parents were there to enjoy it too! They look great! The kids are beautiful blessings and I can't believe it's been a year. I have enjoyed watched them grow along with your blog...this is the best stuff ever!
    Happy Birthday kiddos!
