Monday, February 28, 2011

Baby Fever Blues

Unfortunately this past Saturday our little girl Shaine had become ill.  It must have been a one day stomach bug.  She had a slight fever with vomiting, but Mike and I were able to feed her a small amount of food, and keep fluids in her.  It's extremely difficult as a parent to see your child  so lifeless.  She just slept in our arms all day.  Thank goodness she made it through the night and woke up the next morning wanting to eat and play.  Mike and I never take the babies out when they're sick.  This includes having colds.  We feel the best way to nurture them back to good health is keeping them in a comfy, clean environment with mommy daddy available for their every need.  Since Shaine was feeling better we decided it would be o.k. to take a quick trip to the store so the kiddos could try out their new car seats!  We're so excited and happy for the twins.  They love looking out the windows, and being able to see mom and dad.  A HUGE THANK YOU  to grandma Lynda, and Grandpa Dick!!  Grandma and grandpa decided to show up and surprise us with the new car seats!!  We're so excited and happy!!  The kiddos will be one year's old in 3 days and it was time to switch chairs!!!  Thanks again grandma and grandpa and we'll see you this weekend for the Birthday Party!!!!!!!

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