Thursday, February 3, 2011


YEAH!!!  Johnny and Shaine are 11 months old today.  We just can't believe they're going to be one soon.  Holy cow has time flew by.  The babies are growing in so many ways.  The 2nd baby-gate has officially been moved to the bottom of the stairs.  Every time I walk up the stairs Johnny & Shaine start climbing up, ...and fast!  Within seconds Shaine was on the 4th step...whew...I almost had a heart attack.  She's definitely a little smarty pants.  She won't sit still in the bathtub.  She crawls all around in the water and tries getting up on her knees reaching for the shampoo bottle, and whatever else she can get her little fingers on.   Johnny on the other hand has become a go-getter.  He stands up on everything!  I mean everything!!  He's just as wild in the bath tub, but does allot more splashing.  We have to suit up with rain gear when it comes to his bathing.  I also caught Johnny climbing up on the outside of his walker and pushing it along the kitchen floor.  I was lucky to get a short video of him pushing Shaine while she was on her scooter.  I have a feeling he just might start walking on his own before his sister.  I posted some pictures and videos of the kiddos from this past week.

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