Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We're so excited for our boy Blue!  His puppy photo made it into The 365 Puppies a Day Calendar!!  Check it out!!!  June 1st!!

Beautiful Flowers

My hydrangea and other flowers bloomed beautifully this summer.  I just threw some seeds down late in the year and to my surprise they just kept growing.  This plant/flower is about 7ft. tall. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Late Friday we had a wonderful surprise on our doorstep.  Grandpa Mike, and Grandma Mary bought us a new camera.  The camera that recently broke was also a gift from them.  We can't remember if it was a wedding gift or Christmas gift, but it's been so wonderful to have.  We love our new one...THANK YOU!!! was a great surprise.  Unfortunately it seems our computer is just too outdated to run videos from this camera, but we'll try to be more creative with our photos.  Here are some pictures I took of our morning routine.  We get clean diapers then snuggle up on the couch with blankets, animals, milk, and sesame street.  My cutie pies.

Watching daddy mow the yard

Playing Dress-Up

Friends of ours gave us their little one's costumes which don't fit them anymore.  I was organizing the closet and both Johnny and Shaine were grabbing the outfits insisting I dress them up.  I took these photos with the broken camera not sure of what I was shooting, but they came out pretty cute.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Unfortunately we are currently without our camera.  Not quite sure how it happened, but our camera/video camera is officially broken.  We have an awesome Flip camera, but our computer is too outdated to keep up with HD video.  Hopefully we'll have one before the holidays, but for now all postings  will be writing only.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Kiddos with Colds

The past few days have been a bit busy and tiresome.  Both tots have colds and it's probably from a number of things.  Playing outside in the water, change in temperature, and being around other sick kids.  Shaine kept us up all night on Friday, and Johnny kept us up all night on Saturday.  We did a little running around on Saturday to get out of the house, but stayed home on Sunday.  I'll tell ya not mess with a little girl who misses her nap, and doesn't feel good.  Mommy and daddy felt the wrath of Shaine and it wasn't pretty.  Thank you Johnson's Vapor bath soaking bubbles, and icy hot vapor rub.  A warm bath, warm milk, vapor rub on the chest and back, and blankies....these two finally slept through the night without a peep.  Now we're dealing with coughs, but hopefully they'll be back to good before the end of the week.


Marysville had their annual touch-a-truck event on Saturday and the kids had a great time!  There were many different types of vehicles ranging from fire trucks to tractor trucks.  Shaine got a little upset when the fireman picked her up, but she eventually found some flowers and everything was A O.K.

Johnny playing the part

I was finally able to get a short video of Johnny using his dramatic skills expressing his sadness that comes with getting an injury.  9 out of 10 times when talking about his owie he uses his sad face and scratchy voice...we think it's pretty funny and we hope you do too.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Johnny and Shaine at Preston's Birthday Party

Our neighbors Gary and Jennifer have 2 adorable little kids....Carys their little girl who I believe is 5, and Preston who just turned 4.  Jennifer took these awesome photos of the twins at Preston's birthday party.  Thank you Gary and Jennifer for having us!!!!

18 Month Check-up at the Doctor's office

Johnny and Shaine had their 18 month check-up today and the report is AWESOME!!!!  The kiddos are growing healthy and strong!  They're still smaller than the average 18 month old child, but their physical and mental progress is up to par.  Johnny weighs in at 24lbs., and 31 inches in length.  Shaine weighs in at 21 lbs., and 31.25 inches in length.  When it came time for the shots the nurse made the decision to give Johnny's shot in his arm , and Shaine in her leg. This is because Johnny has big, buff deltoids in his shoulder, and Shaine is very dainty and her muscle is in her leg.---Seriously...he looks like he lifts's pretty cute. -----Just to give you an idea how little these 2 actually are for their age...we were at a park with other toddlers, and most of the 10-12 month old babies were the same size or bigger than Johnny and Shaine.---Strange, but true.

The Evergreen State Fair

How about those beautiful GREEN eyes!!!!!

Visiting the birds

Johnny yelling back at the geese

Dressed like twins