Tuesday, September 6, 2011

18 Month Check-up at the Doctor's office

Johnny and Shaine had their 18 month check-up today and the report is AWESOME!!!!  The kiddos are growing healthy and strong!  They're still smaller than the average 18 month old child, but their physical and mental progress is up to par.  Johnny weighs in at 24lbs., and 31 inches in length.  Shaine weighs in at 21 lbs., and 31.25 inches in length.  When it came time for the shots the nurse made the decision to give Johnny's shot in his arm , and Shaine in her leg. This is because Johnny has big, buff deltoids in his shoulder, and Shaine is very dainty and her muscle is in her leg.---Seriously...he looks like he lifts weights...it's pretty cute. -----Just to give you an idea how little these 2 actually are for their age...we were at a park with other toddlers, and most of the 10-12 month old babies were the same size or bigger than Johnny and Shaine.---Strange, but true.

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