Monday, September 12, 2011

Kiddos with Colds

The past few days have been a bit busy and tiresome.  Both tots have colds and it's probably from a number of things.  Playing outside in the water, change in temperature, and being around other sick kids.  Shaine kept us up all night on Friday, and Johnny kept us up all night on Saturday.  We did a little running around on Saturday to get out of the house, but stayed home on Sunday.  I'll tell ya not mess with a little girl who misses her nap, and doesn't feel good.  Mommy and daddy felt the wrath of Shaine and it wasn't pretty.  Thank you Johnson's Vapor bath soaking bubbles, and icy hot vapor rub.  A warm bath, warm milk, vapor rub on the chest and back, and blankies....these two finally slept through the night without a peep.  Now we're dealing with coughs, but hopefully they'll be back to good before the end of the week.

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