Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Can't wait for California!!!

Not much is going on around here.  Shaine is a bit under the weather, but aren't we all with this rain.  We're going to be visiting my family in California and we are all so anxious to get there.  It's hard not have grandma and grandpa here to watch their grand babies grow up, especially great grandma.  We see grandpa Dick and grandma Lynda at least once, maybe twice a month which isn't too bad since they live up in Bellingham, and we saw grandma Mary for the first time in 3 months.  It's so unfortunate that we only have one week with my family.  We talk about the babies allot and who they look like.  They both look like their daddy more and more, but I thought I would dig up some old photos of baby Shelly to show the resemblance of little Shaine and I.  We definitely have the same hair at the age of 1.  Enjoy!!

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