Tuesday, October 25, 2011


"Poo poo" is what Johnny and Shaine are now saying when they have a full diaper.  Whenever the kiddos have a poopie diaper I always take them to the bathroom and clean them up with some warm water.  This morning Johnny was going poopie, and when he was done I asked him..."Johnny, do you have poo poo?"  He said "poo poo", and ran over to the bathroom to get cleaned up.  About 10 minutes later Shaine walked up to me and placed her hand on her bum bum taking me over to the changing table.  I asked her if she had poopies, and she said "no".  She didn't have poo poo, but a really wet diaper that she was ready to get out of.  This is a great milestone for the kiddos, and definitely for mommy & daddy.  I recently read that when your children recognize they are uncomfortable with wet diapers they are a step closer to potty training.  I am so tired of diapers.  ----Well, I don't have any photos to post today.  Just wanted to share this exciting news.  We're very excited to go to California soon and see my family.  I can't wait!!  I also can't wait for great grandma to see her 2nd set of boy/girl twins.  Yes!!  That's right!!  My cousins Scott & Stephanie(twins). 40 yrs. later and she now has great grand twins.  YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

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