Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th Of JULY 2012

Wow!!!  We had a blast for the 4th this year!  Not only did Grandma and Grandpa come over with their grandson Tyler, but all the neighbors gathered in our drive way for some good bar-b-que, drinks, great laughs, and AWESOME FIREWORKS!!!!  By 10pm the kiddos were in bed because they didn't stop playing all day long.  Unfortunatley it doesn't start getting dark around here until 9:45 so they slept through all of noise.  There are no words to describe how crazy it gets in the city of Marysville.  We live right next to the Indian Reservation where all the big fireworks are sold, and at the top of the hill so you can see the surrounding cities.  You have to see it to believe it...I don't think we'll ever leave Marysville for the 4th of July.  This is where the party is!!!!!

Kelly giving the kiddos some of her wildflowers

Micah and Johnny

Micah, Johnny and Shaine

Mike showing the kids black snakes

                                                                Grandpa Dick and Eric

    Our awesome neighbor Dustin and Eric cruising around the neighborhood in the golf has an awesome stereo system...thanks Dustin for providing music all night long!
                                                            Mike and his Dad
Shelly and Tyler

                                                    Eric and Holly getting ready for the big night

                                                     Johnny and Eric...cutest picture of them chatting
                                                            Waiting for the Show!!!!!!!!

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