Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Motorcycles and Playtime

 Mike went dirt bike riding with one of his buddies over the weekend and finally brought home his dirt-bike.  When I told Johnny that daddy went motorcycle riding for the day all he could talk about was seeing daddy's motorcycle.  Mike let Johnny sit on his bike, and then pushed Johnny around giving him a safe ride around the was really cute.  I also posted pictures of a few other things we did this week.

All Shaine cared about was her Otter-Pop

Smelling the flowers in our flower bed

I know we've seen Johnny mowing the yard with daddy before, but check out these 3 shots I took...they're leg motion is in sync.  It's so adorable how Johnny copies his daddy and follows his every move.

Johnny and Shaine taking Blue for a walk

I had to snap a picture of Shaine playing with her Pla-Doh.  She stood with her leg on the table for about 5 minutes just mushing her dough...quite funny.

     This is not how you use a Sit-N-Spin Johnny
     Crash and Burn!!

     Look at those Big Blue Eyes

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