Monday, October 15, 2012

October 2012 Playing Outside and the Zoo

     It looks like the weather is starting to change from sunshine to clouds.  We still try and spend as much time outdoors as possible going to playgrounds and riding our bikes.  We also made it to the Zoo this past Thursday before the rain showed up. 

Shaine rides her bike so well.  We're so proud of her!

Johnny trying to talk to me with a mouth full of animal crackers...he's such a ham!!
Blue trying to steal Johnny's crackers

 The kids always pull out all their bikes to ride.  It can never be just one.

Johnny working with his tools naked.  Oh my...that's so dangerous...ha ha ha

 My cutie patootie using the potty.  She does so good at home, but don't think we're quite ready to go anywhere without diapers quite yet.  The kids get to decorate their potty's with stickers...Shaine has allot more than Johnny.

 What a goofball!!  He's gonna get stuck one of these days.

 Johnny and Shaine climbing up the rocks at the Zoo.

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