Thursday, September 27, 2012


     Johnny and Shaine are currently enrolled in a Mommy and Me Tumbling & Movement class through the month of September.  They just love the class and had no hesitations about it.  There is allot of jumping, rolling, tumbling, etc.  The class is only 30 minutes, but the kids continuously move the entire time.  I posted 3 short videos of the kiddos in their class. 
     Thank you to Grandma Mary and cousin Andraya for watching the kids last Saturday.  Mike and I spent the day at the Puyallup Fair and went to the Tim McGraw concert.  What a great time, and boy did Tim McGraw give an awesome show.  I definitely would go see him again!  Below are some pics from this past week.

 Johnny and Shaine at their Lunch Table

 Mommy and Daddy at the Tim McGraw concert!
 Beautiful flowers from my hubby

 Johnny climbing the linen closet

 How Freaking Cute!!!!

Johnny's Halloween Costume...He's a SPACEBOY!!!!

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