Saturday, February 16, 2013

Building, Friends, and a Birthday Party

     This week we've been working on getting Johnny and Shaine's  bedrooms ready, had an adorable visitor, went to a birthday party, and Shaine's block building is getting more intricate.  Not much more to say other than enjoy the pics.
     The first picture is a "bridge" that Shaine built a couple weeks ago, and the next 3 photos is a "farm" she built tonight. 

Our neighbor Amber stopped by to visit with her little baby boy Levi.  He's such a cutie!

Our neighbor and good friend Charolette celebrated her 2nd birthday on Friday.  It was a prince and princess party so Shaine picked out her dress and NO JOKE...Johnny remembered a tie that he had in his dress up clothes so he insisted on wearing it so he can be a handsome prince.  So freaking cute!  I had nothing to do with it...all his idea.  Oh yeah...Snow White showed up to the party! 

I came downstairs and this is what these to cutie pies were doing...dancing together.  So glad I had my camera in my hand.

This is Charolette the birthday girl.  An adorable Snow White!

Here we are winding down from the birthday party.


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