Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday!!

Oh boy did we have beautiful weather this Easter weekend.  Thursday night we colored Easter eggs, and Saturday morning we went to an egg hunt at Jennings Park in Marysville.  The egg hunt was allot of fun with candy, games and even face painting.  Later that day we went to Safeco Field in Seattle to watch a high school baseball game, but the kids were so excited to be there Mike and I just chased them around the entire time.  When Easter Sunday rolled around are plans had to change because we had a very sick little boy.  We were suppose to spend the day with grandma and grandpa in Belligham, but the last thing we wanted to do is get everyone sick.  Mike, Johnny and Shaine were all fighting colds, and Johnny was stomach sick amongst other things.  He says his ear hurts so we'll find out later today if we have our first official ear infection.  Hope everyone had a beautiful holiday!

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