Thursday, September 12, 2013


Johnny and Shaine started their first official class of preschool today.  On Monday we had orientation so the kids can meet their teacher and explore their classroom, and today is their first day without mom and dad.  Oh boy, I had a feeling the kids would get upset when they found out mommy was leaving.  They entered the classroom and picked out their name tags, but as soon as I started to walk out both of them started crying and chasing after me.  I had to shut the door and head out quickly.  I wasn't sad about leaving them because they are only in school 2 days a week for a couple hours a day, but it was tough not being able to console them.  I pick them up at 11:30 so I'm anxious to see how they're doing.  The kids are enrolled in a Christian Preschool and both Mike and I are excited to see them learn and grow. 

These pictures were taken this morning.

Monday's Orientation


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