Sunday, July 31, 2011

Enjoying Company

Not allot has gone on at the Dragland home, but we do our best to keep busy in this horrible weather.  Friday grandma Mary stopped by for a short visit with her friends Patty, Julie, and Kaitlyn.  It was nice to chat with others who are not 1 yrs. old, and it was sad to see them go.  Saturday Grandpa Dick, and Grandma Lynda stopped in.  We were all so excited to see them and hear about their visit to Europe!  We can't wait to hear more, and the kiddos can't wait to see you again. 

Kaitlyn, Shaine, Patty, and Julie

Kaitlyn & Shaine
Patty & Julie

Waking from our naps...listen to Shaine's baby-talk

Cleaning our High Chairs

Silly Mommy in Johnny's Crib

What a Cutie Pie!!!

Playing in our room

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Feeding Blue his Milkbones

I think this is the longest video I have ever posted, but I couldn't help myself.

Eating Milkbones

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Busy Growing

It's been a busy week, and the twins are busy growing.  It's absolutely amazing  how quickly the kiddos  learn and understand so much.  5 minutes ago Shaine put paper in the printer and turned it on.  They know how to turn on the stereo for music, and they always try to put the Muppet's DVD in the player.  We have a small tricycle and both know how to peddle, but their little legs aren't quite long enough to make the entire extension.  Don't get me wrong. Yes, they're still babies that poop, cry, and get into everything their little hands and mouths will allow.  SUPER SPONGE'S!!!!!!  Man I wish we spoke another language.  They're also starting to say more words...Elmo, nana(banana), ah da(all done) etc.   When they're finished eating they throw their hands in the air and say "all done".  Johnny is climbing into, and on everything.  He bumps his head at least 5 times a day falling into or off of something.  Enjoy the pics and photos from this last week.

Blue & his sister Abby...pooped

Playing in the dog's kennel

Lean Mean Climbing Machine

Johnny's hat


Waking from our naps

We love rocks and flowers...and sticks if they're around

Squinty Eyes

Sunday, July 10, 2011


This weekend has been all about dogs.  The family went out to Pooch-A-Palooza at the Strawberry Fields in Marysville to check out all the vendors and pups.  Blue loved every minute of it, and the kiddos get a kick out of all the dogs.  There is also a small airfield near by and boy do Johnny and Shaine enjoy those airplanes.  They point and wave at the dogs and airplanes...pretty dang cute.  After that we drove up to Bellingham to visit our parents dogs while they're out of town.  Beautiful Mini-Australian Shepherds.  We decided to bring Blue's sister Abby home with us in hopes that his mom Lacey, and uncle Bear have a relaxing time.


Visiting Bear, Lacey, and Abby at the Hyline Dog Hotel