Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Busy Growing

It's been a busy week, and the twins are busy growing.  It's absolutely amazing  how quickly the kiddos  learn and understand so much.  5 minutes ago Shaine put paper in the printer and turned it on.  They know how to turn on the stereo for music, and they always try to put the Muppet's DVD in the player.  We have a small tricycle and both know how to peddle, but their little legs aren't quite long enough to make the entire extension.  Don't get me wrong. Yes, they're still babies that poop, cry, and get into everything their little hands and mouths will allow.  SUPER SPONGE'S!!!!!!  Man I wish we spoke another language.  They're also starting to say more words...Elmo, nana(banana), ah da(all done) etc.   When they're finished eating they throw their hands in the air and say "all done".  Johnny is climbing into, and on everything.  He bumps his head at least 5 times a day falling into or off of something.  Enjoy the pics and photos from this last week.

1 comment:

  1. I miss those kiddos! I can only imagine how much they are learning as I could see the wheels turning while we were there!
