Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Birthday Party at Pump it Up

     The twins were invited to Lexi & Mackenzie's 3rd (twins too) birthday party over the weekend.  It was our first time at Pump it Up and the kids had a blast.  Thank you Perkins family we had a great time.  We are also anxiously waiting to hear about the birth of the 3rd excited for you guys!  Well, with all the kids running around everywhere most of my pictures turned up blurry.

 Shaine going down the big slide

 Mike and Johnny

 Lexi (birthday girl) in the Hello Kitty shirt.

 This is where Mike received a pretty good burn on his arm from rubbing it on the way down.  Poor Shaine looks like she's getting smashed.

 Hey it's the birthday girls...Mackenzie (left), and Lexi (right)
 Shaine with her new haircut

For those of you who don't know this is where Blue sits when we eat.  Right between the two highchairs.
 Shaine loves her balloons.  She fell asleep holding it.  Thanks again Perkins family for the balloons!

Shaine and Johnny taking their turn sitting in the birthday chair.

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