Thursday, May 2, 2013

Shaine's Drawings and More

We've been keeping the markers and crayons put away because the kids always find something more creative to do with them rather than draw, but we pulled them out to give them some creative time.  Right away Shaine said, "Look mom and dad, I drew an "S" for Shaine".  Sure enough Shaine drew her first "S" so I had to take a picture of it.  She also drew me a happy face and a sad face.


Shaine and Johnny standing on top of their toy box.

I opened up the garage to pull some toys out and I turn around to see this...I ran and grabbed my camera just in time.  For those of you who don't know Johnny is the best helper.  He wants to do everything from laundry, to mowing, and as we see hear bringing in the garbage cans.

 This picture below is Johnny moving the recycling's huge!!  Look at him go!  I asked him if he needed help and his response was, "NO MOM...I'M STRONG."

It was really hot and sunny the first part of the day so we threw on the swimsuits and played in the backyard.  Wish it was 97 degrees like it was in California today.

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