Friday, June 21, 2013


A few months ago we made plans for our niece Adara to stay with us for the summer.  Now that school is out she's stuck with us for a couple months.  The kids are very excited about having her here!!  They want Adara to do everything with them!!  So glad she's here with us and we are all very anxious to have some summer fun together.  Here are some pictures of us leaving the YMCA, playing in the park, and the kiddos playing in the rain.

Here's Adara and the kids smelling the flowers outside the YMCA

This was a funny moment.  Adara was gutsy enough to jump on a tire-swing above a large puddle of water, but when she lost her grip and screamed for my help I just pulled out the camera instead.  We were laughing so hard she couldn't get off the swing, but eventually she made it to dry land.

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