Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 4 for our little ones and they're doing very good. We're still in the hospital located in the pediatric center just keeping an eye on the twins making sure they continue to eat and gain some weight. As of now we decided to focus on bottle feeding since they are eating well. They're still getting vitamins from the breast, and Mike and I are able to get some rest. We wanted to send out a special THANK YOU to some very important people in our lives. First, our parents. We could never do this without you and all your support. To AUNTIE JENN, and AUNTIE KRISTIE, thank you for staying with us last night and helping with feedings so we can rest. To MIKE & JODI LENTZ for visiting and helping us move rooms and the beautiful gifts!! And antoher special THANK YOU to the PERKINS FAMILY for sharing the joy of their twins and helping us out with tons of advice and how to get through rasing preemie twins. JOHNNY & SHAINE thank all of you for your love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Shelly and Mike your babies are beautiful! I cannot even remember Mason that small but he was only 5lbs when he was born too! They look healthy and they are so lucky to have such wonderful parents!

  2. You all are doing AWESOME!! We can't wait for twin play dates!! Keep up all the hardwork! Love Always, The Perkins Family
