Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We Made it Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After being in the hospital for 2 weeks, and the babies for 4 days we were all able to go home on Sunday, March 7th!!! Johnny and Shaine passed all their vitals and their 1hr. & 45 min. car seat test. With Mike and I having very little rest, and me still recovering from surgery we couldn't be more happy to go home with our little ones. On day 3 of being home we are starting to get settled in allot better with the twins feeding schedule. Forget the nursing and the pumping. It's been too overwhelming. The babes eat great with formula and that's what's important. We need our little ones to gain weight and so far that's what their doing. Johnny is our LITTLE PEANUT, and Shaine is our LITTLE CRACKER JACK!!!!

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