Day 2 with Johnny and Shaine and things seem to be progressing well. Being that the babies are preemies it's been allot work with feeding. The babies eat every 3 hours, and it takes a little over an hour for the feeding process. Mike and I get about 2-4 hours of sleep in a 24 hour span, but seem to be hanging in there. Although the breast milk has not come in Shaine is always ready to feed. Johnny struggles a little, but he is smaller of the two. I should be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, but the babies need to stay a bit longer. We love them sooooo much!!!! It's been tough, but absoloutly wonderful.
They are perfect! I know that you guys are not getting much sleep right now, but it gets easier everyday. When you guys get home you will start to form a routine and they will start to get on a schedule. The stronger they get the better they will eat and the more they will sleep. Stay strong, you will do great!