Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas 2012 Johnny & Shaine 2yrs.old

Christmas Eve Grandma Lynda, Grandpa Dick, and Auntie Lyndsy came over to spend the Holiday with us.  It was a really nice visit and the kids loved their gifts...more Lego's...yeah!!  Thank you for the wonderful gifts, but more importantly thank you for spending time with all of us for the holidays.  Christmas morning was so much fun for Mike and I to watch the kids open their gifts.  Unfortunately,  later that morning Shaine starting throwing up.  I stayed home with Shaine while Mike and Johnny went to Grandma Mary's and Grandpa Mike's house.  Later that evening Mike picked us up so we can spend some of Christmas day at grandma's house, but that wasn't such a good idea.  Shaine just laid on the couch with absolutely no energy to do anything.  I asked her if she wanted me to open her gifts for her, but she said, "I want Johnny to open my gifts".  So sweet.  Johnny sat next to Shaine while she lay on the couch and opened her gifts.  Such sweethearts.  Love them to death!  Thank you Mike for such a wonderful Christmas morning...I LOVE YOU!!!  I didn't get allot of pictures on Christmas day because of Shaine being sick.

Christmas Eve

Grandma Lynda and Auntie Lyndsy

Blue wanted kisses too!
Christmas Morning
 Shaine giving dad a checkup with her new Doc McStuffins medical kit.
Johnny playing with his new play-mat

So handsome
Pictures Outside Today!  We finally had some sunshine!


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