Friday, December 21, 2012

Santa's Elves

About 3 years ago (before the kids were born) our neighbor Kelly showed us her little ceramic elf that pops up during the holidays to watch over her son and then report back to Santa.  We thought that was such a clever idea and we might have to try that with our own kids when they are old enough.  Last year I learned from my mother-in-law that there is an actual story about "The Elf on the Shelf" who watches over the children for Santa.  Apparently it has become a big craze and everyone is buying this "Elf on the Shelf".  Well, Mike and still wanted to bring Santa's elves to our house, but we had a better idea for the elves.  My grandmother Corrine Smith...Johnny and Shaine's Great Grandma has been making elves for years.  She owns over 120 elves.  We asked grandma if we could have 2 of her for each of our kids.  My mom and dad picked out the cutest elves for our kiddos.  Thnak you so much grandma for the elves.  We named the boy Tinsel, and the girl Taffy.  The elves are always popping up in the craziest places and Shaine gets sooooo excited.  Here are some photos of Tinsel and Taffy.
This is Taffy sitting on the Mantle

Tinsle on the bookshelf

 Tinsle on the Lamp
Taffy on the pot rack

 Here they are playing in the Legos
All the way up to the ceiling

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