Thursday, December 13, 2012

Letters to Santa

     First, I want to share with everyone that Johnny and Shaine are getting closer to eliminating diapers.  Both kids have been using the potty with no accidents.  Today was the first time we left the house without diapers.  We spent about 45minutes outside playing and riding bikes without any accidents.  As soon as we came inside I tried to get them to use the potty, but both of them said that they didn't have to go, and that they would try later.  I'm crossing my fingers that they will be completely potty trained by 3 which is in 3 months. 
     A couple days ago the kids told me that they wanted to send Santa a Christmas Card.  I said, "Let's send Santa a list of toys that you want for Christmas."  Here's what they asked for...
3.Buzz Lightyear

2.A Mousey Guy
4.Princess Dress
     I filled out to cards too:  Santa Clause The North Pole, Blitzen LN.
Here are the kids walking to the mail box to send off their X-Mas list.

This looks like snow, but it was from a hail storm.

 Our house and it's Christmas lights.

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